Pick Up Classes After the Start of the Term

At Kirkwood, we understand one start date doesn't fit everyone's schedule. That's why we offer classes that start after the beginning of each semester. Round out your semester schedule, make up for lost time, or get ahead on the next semester. 

Courses are available in-person and online.

Spring courses begin Feb. 17, 2025. Go to see the list of course offerings.

Why take a class at Kirkwood?

  • We’re affordable. Classes cost $217 per credit hour for Iowa residents and $290 for non-residents, so you’ll save some serious money.
  • We have online options. Taking classes at Kirkwood is convenient and fits your schedule. 
  • Our credits are easy to transfer. Kirkwood makes transferring credits simple. We have courses that meet general education and major requirements. Learn more about transferring credits.
  • Your course load is flexible. Enroll in courses as either a part-time or full-time student.

Next Steps

  • Current Students: Register for your class or classes in . 
  • New Students: New to Kirkwood and interested in taking a course or two listed above? Submit your application here. Then, follow the instructions in your welcome letter to set up your Kirkwood account. If you’re not planning to be a degree-seeking student, visit our Guest Student Checklist